Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is the rest just silence?

Silence. Mostly that's what I've been hearing, regarding the situation in Israel, Gaza, and Lebanon. Not absolute silence, true, but a relative quietness that is almost deafening in its understatement of the seriousness of the problem.
Why so much silence? Civilians are being slaughtered, it is true. Why so much silence? I got an email the other day (post below, in Portuguese), that said: "Say no to the silencing of the massacre...etc". Yet I see no silencing going on, what I see is a profound shrugging of shoulders. Apart from the people that are clearly partial to one side or the other (those always know what is right) everyone else is just too resigned to say anything. To me it has all gone beyond morality and into the simples, silent, amoral path of cause and consequence.

I have long been critical of Israel's policies. I think they have behaved criminally at times. I think it is beyond dispute that they have put terrorists and murderers into their governments. I think they need to get off their racist, bigoted, arrogant high horse. I think they need to deal with their own religious fndamentalisms and their lunatic Far Right. BUT, make no mistake, I see very well what happens on the other side, and despite all its mistakes, despite all its wrongdoings and fundamental faults, the people of Israel is still one that I admire for its boldness, its stregth, its courage, its brilliance, and the many promises it holds. I see no such things in those who would "liberate" the Palestinian people only to enslave it under Islam. The other side too is full of hatred, racism, arrogance, terrorism and crime, and that in far greater measure. I do not criticize it so often simply because I never had any expectations to even be disapointed.

One can criticize and point fingers. But one knows where to stand when things slip too far. I wish for peace, but if it indeed comes to an all out war, then make no mistake, I am clearly on the side o Israel.

For the good of Israel, of Lebanon, of the palestinians, and of the world, I think it is probably time for Hamas and the Hezbollah to bite the dust and fade from History once and for all. Oh, and it might be a good idea for Iran and Syria to take their hands off Lebanon while we're at it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O destino dos povos só a eles pertence. Justificar de uma forma ou de outra a opressão pelo facto de, caso contrário, ficarem escravizados pelo Islão, não colhe... De argumentos desses sempre se serviram os poderosos. Desse e do outro, segundo o qual há povos que simplesmente não se conseguem governar sozinhos...

E a treta do Hamas e do Hezbollah serem a causa desta «guerra» também não pega. Ainda esses movimentos não existiam e já Israel destruía e bombardeava o líbano e a Faixa de Gaza. São, isso sim, um magnífico argumento...

O estado racista que existe ali é Israel. E é ele que não permite a existência dos outros e não o contrário...