Sunday, September 04, 2005

more victims of the siege of Leningrad

The victim turned out to be a pretty good duelist herself, and the three of us (plus a late arrival - Dartagnan?) began to stalk for fresh prey. Here's a couple of them!
Dartagnan (unlike some people who will not be mentioned but only guessed at >:->) had the decency to bring his own drawing apparatus! :)

Reminds me: Dear Dartagnan (yes, that's you, Daniel!), don't forget to send me those photos!

PS: What the hell was I thinking when
I drew that hand???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

belos desenhos, bela imagem da minha, da tua, da nossa festa, da festa para todos. É pena que seja ainda apenas no interior dos muros de "leninegrado", mas há-de transbordar... Havemos de fazê-la transbordar para todas essas ruas e praças sedentas de paixão, de amor, de fraternidade, de REVOLUÇÃO. havemos de fazer do mundo uma FESTA.