Thursday, March 30, 2006

Colorful deviation

This post at the wonderful BibliOdyssey reminded me today that I still don't really understand color.

(no time for real posts in here, I am busy hunting dragons)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Got carried away

Struck by your literary pose I allowed myself to get carried away by the mechanical current until I was, slightly illegally, miles away from home...

Thursday's musical indiscretion

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Water Bears

I must draw this. I must declare, Water Bears are not only the toughest, but also the cutest animals on Earth. In their disgusting little way, of course.

Alan Moore interview

Interesting interview with Alan Moore at The Beat, in two parts (link to part1 and to part2). Also, a further news round-up on him and the first reactions to what the Wachowskis did with (to) his V for Vendetta.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Anatomy of facial expression

Just found, through Drawn!, a very nice interactive site on the anatomy of facial expression.

Thank you, Western Angel

obrigado F..

pela amizade

pelo analgésico

pela pontualidade britânica

pelas blasfémias

pelas lições de pintura

pela atenciosidade casual do gesto automático

pelas gramas de alcool no meu sangue incorrupto

por não seres uma Lisboeta

por teres cantado para mim

pela prova de existencia

pelo reflexo da minha perfeita disciplina,
imortalizado numa gota unica de alcool
interceptada da forma errada
pelo motivo certo

pelo bem que faz mal
e pelo mal que faz bem

pelo pequeno milhagre

pelo filtro...(mais forte do que o outro, e cada vez mais forte)

e por perdoares o facto de que este desenho não se parece
mesmo nada contigo...

random indiscretion

The heart is impossible

Western angel, Eastern angel, many thanks for this Deus Ex Machina. Are your fragile fingers becoming tired?...may you drop me on a better place than the swamp of the sublime from whence you raised my exhausted carcass. As this tired old man grabs back his die and cards, he dedicates his next game to you.