A skydive from 16000ft lasts only one minute. In that precious time you can screw up in a hundred different ways. There are a thousand different ways to screw up a drawing in one minute, and this is a catalog of a few. I shall draw you on the beaches, on the landing grounds and on the hills, and I shall never surrender. And you will comment on how "Meh, it's ok but it doesn't really look much like me", 'cause everyone's a critic, goddamit!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
among the gaffa trees 3
Suave meditação feminina a um entardecer (sofrido?)...
"(...) Madreselvas en flor que trepándose van / Es su abrazo tenáz y dulzón como aquél /Si todos los años tus flores renacen / ¿por qué ya no vuelve mi primer amor?" (Amadori / Canaro)
Suave meditação feminina a um entardecer (sofrido?)...
"(...) Madreselvas en flor que trepándose van / Es su abrazo tenáz y dulzón como aquél /Si todos los años tus flores renacen / ¿por qué ya no vuelve mi primer amor?"
(Amadori / Canaro)
These are interesting, what is the medium?
Hi Stejahen. These are: vectors over scan of pencil drawing :)
I used Adobe's illustrator, as I recall.
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