Sunday, October 28, 2012


It's been a busy month. For some time I've been working on a cover for a book on Camões. Again, it is too soon to give out details; those will wait a bit more. Meanwhile, however, here is a nice miniature Camões in ballpoint pen (the original is about the size of a large stamp),

and a preliminary version of the actual cover illustration - not the one that was actually chosen, but one of my personal favorite preliminary versions (we finally went out with a less "busy" one, with fewer heads per square inch)

Game theory once more

This, believe it or not, is a detail from an illustration for an upcoming scientific paper on game theory, that should be appearing soon in the journal of theoretical biology. I made it for the same guys for whom I had made the "atlas" illustration a few posts below.

I'll post the full image and more details once it is out. It is fully digital, drawn directly on my old and trusty HP tc1100 tablet.